
Lost at sea

I'm so unsure about the decisions I make. I have all my paperwork completed for school, but I can't leave this spot to turn it in. 

I'm watching the fishing vessels head out to sea on a peaceful, brisk morning, but I still can't be content. It's not the caffeine, which I told myself I would not have today. It's something more inside of me. I can't shake this feeling of uneasiness. It's preventing me from moving forward. But I know it's now or never. I'm not getting any younger or any healthier. Sink or swim. 


And the winner is...

ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura).  After 4 days in the hospital this past week, that is my diagnosis.  My immune system's antibodies are attacking my blood platelets which help blood to clot.  Without the clotting, you bleed out.  I look bruised and battered with my body (mostly my legs) covered in petechia (red, non-blanching spots) and lovely gigantic bruises.  Normal platelet counts should be between 150k - 350k.  The lowest we saw was 3k, after dropping 6k in 2 days.  If I waited any longer, my doctor is certain he would have had a brain hemorrhage on his hands.  Walking into the hospital feeling only slightly lethargic, then being thrown into this mess what not what I expected for my Wednesday night.  Yet I knew all along something was off from when I first saw the petechia and my gums bleeding.

I never told anyone that I am trying to get into nursing school, took pharmacology and all those fun classes, and that I previously have worked for 2 years in blood testing laboratory.  I immediately grasped the situation was worse that I had imagined, but I was able to understand it all.  I received a platelet transfusion (IVIG) 5 hours after checking into the ER.  I didn't realize it would be a nearly 10 hour process, which is ever so convenient when you're just trying to catch some shuteye and process everything at the same time.  I was also put on 50mg of Prednisone, which I've been on since.  I was not informed until the day I left the hospital that they saw no initial improvement with the treatments for quite a while.  They finally let me go when my levels reached 73.

ITP is an autoimmune disease that is not hereditary (an initial big worry before the diagnosis, as I watched my toddler climb all over the hospital bed playing with the heart monitor cables).  It can be acute or chronic and yet the cause isn't exactly known (thus, idiopathic), but women are more likely to have it.  Exposure to certain viruses can all also bring about ITP, which I assume would lead to acute cases.  I'm still doing my research! My hematologist believes my pregnancy brought it on.  Again, still not sure on the facts of that, but I'll work with it.  Bottom line: there is no cure.  You can go into remission for years and years, or dance around the numbers for life.  You watch for the classic symptoms and you avoid those situations that can do some major damage to your body, in fear of bleeding.

I'm writing this after receiving only a handful of hours of sleep thanks to Prednisone.  I've been dealing with depression for most of my life, so I'm feeling those side effects even more.  As I told my husband, I'm feeling way too much right now.  Every emotion under the sun.  A week ago I was preparing myself to say goodbye to my dog who is dying of cancer.  Just 2 days later, I'm absorbing all I can about ITP, and oddly enough, taking the exact same medication my dog is.  His has been helping with his swelling and making him more comfortable.  Mine is just driving me to the edge.

I am supposed to continue my treatment with my hematologist outside of the hospital today.  I assume, more blood draws and going over the medication.  I don't know why but I am nervous about having to report to an oncology/hematology clinic on a regular basis.  I don't feel like I'm dying, so I feel like it will be a humbling experience to be surrounded by those who just may be.  I can't even begin to tell my own friends about my week.  Again, every emotion is being carried in this heavy chest of mine, and I'm still trying to figure out how to process it all.  The only thing that I want right now is to hear my daughter's laughter and have the comforter wrapped around me tightly.  Once again, I'm playing the waiting game as she's at daycare.  I feel like this game will be getting old very quickly.

If you want to learn more about this disease, I've been guided to the Platelet Disorder Support Association (pdsa.org) group, who seem to provide a wealth of information on ITP.  Also, September is ITP Awareness Month, so consider donating:



Summary of the dailies over the past few days:

1. Constant worrying over our pup who was hospitalized with a liver infection over the weekend. Not out of the woods yet, but he's keeping food down now, yet still lethargic and needing to urinate often. Still trying to figure out how this all started, but he's on a cocktail of antibiotics in the meantime. 

2. Keeping up with Lily. I'm absolutely spent after having Lily all to myself this past weekend. Without our pup around, I took advantage of being able to go on a drive up the coast to clear my mind. We passed our time hiding out in a record store to avoid a thunderstorm, eating our favorite food--grilled cheese (a "gourmet" food truck that left something to be desired), and frolicking on the beach with the other tourists. I could only hope I will be able to do this with her when she's a snarky teenager. 

3. I got a call to come into the local hospital tomorrow for an interview for a volunteer position. Suddenly, I'm left scrambling to edit my stagnant resume which hasn't been touched since before Lily was born, dig through my clothes to find any sort of professional attire that fits, and trying to remember why I am doing this. 

4. My bonus daily is receiving word that my best friend will be here in a matter of days for a quick visit. The world has felt so much lighter on my shoulders since hearing that. I don't know what I would do without her. 

Emerald Coast


August 6th

1.  Dog feeling better = cozy coffee shop + matcha latte + "Positive Discipline: The First Three Years."  I'm doing everything wrong in my parenting...
2.  Stocked up on some tasty brews from around the world.  Kingfisher left me reminiscing of Jaipur sunsets.
3.  Driveway fun time complete with bubbles, chalk, and ant attacks.  I'm the weirdo drinking the sample of hot Watermelon Mint tea I received from David's Tea, on a Southern summer evening.


August 5th

1.  Trash tv, junk food, feel sorry for me type morning.
2.  Played Mario Kart in bed.  Winning.
3.  Still cannot figure out my schedule.

I always allow myself to wallow during the first day of any TDY.  At least there were no tears today, huzzah!


August 4th

1. Vet's office with Bubs -- liver infection.  Scared out of my mind
2. Watched Lily experience PlayDoh for the first time.  She's so particular with the placement of the cups and lids of each color.
3. Moonlit, solo drive, post-rain, in cool temps. Reminiscent of my college days.  Mind nowhere near cleared though.


August 3rd

First edition of my daily three.  Inspired by Reddit (http://redd.it/2chg5w), this is the start of my daily recap of my wins, losses, mishaps, and daily happiness.  What I hope to accomplish is nothing, other than a reminder of all the above, and where these memories are taking me in my life.

1. Cared for Bubs who is feeling ill.  House currently covered in urine.
2. Swam at the community pool for the first time, in the rain, with the family.
3. Read "100 Years of Solitude" during a relaxing night, a rarity around here.